This can then be used in an "owner" entity type, for example, to store the contact details of an author:C# Copy public class Author { public int Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public ContactDetails Contact { get; set; } } The aggregate type is configured ...
Can i make a recursive function inside an ASP.NET MVC View? Can I output directly to web browser with C#? Can I set the returnUrl path? can i use a method in the account controller in another controller? Can I use Windows Authentication?...IsAuthenticated is always false Can javascript...
How to create a global attribute that is itself an array Need to import data from a .csv file. Turn into time series and plot the time series as well as the linear regression Does Merge work different within a created Function? KNN imputation and error messages Result of function...
OADP 1.3.x is required. Version 4.8.5 of the backup and restore scripts must be used. The steps to create and restore online and offline backups are different. If you use IBM Storage Fusion, NetApp Astra Control Center, and Portworx, you must install the 4.8.5 version of the cpdbr se...
In regression, we learn a function that classifies an element according to continuous variables to obtain a prediction or forecast [26,31]. Examples of regression are studies to determine the smoking mortality rate, the amount of biomass present in a forest, the probability of survival of a pat...
Layer—a portion of the total network architecture that is differentiated from the other parts due to having a distinctive function. Activation function—takes the input from one or more neurons and maps it to an output value, which is then passed onto the next layer of neurons in the network...
Fundamentally a frequency response function is a mathematical representation of the relationship between the input and the output of a system
Improved the execution of statement that have either IS NULL or IS NOT NULL in the WHERE clause with TVirtualQuery Now the SetRange will function according to the case sensitivity of keywords in IndexFieldNames Fixed bug with AV on using master/detail relationship with VirtualTable ...
The Cyclomatic Complexity of a method is reduced by one for every call to a lambda, anonymous method or local function. More with Less (actually Much More with Much Less) Even though more information are packed into the redesigned report, the analysis process for generating it is now 40% ...
Betty Handly, the President of the Typographers Int. Ass., issued a challenge back in 1985 to Apple regarding the use of DTP to set type. Spoiler alert: DTP type is just not professional looking so, nothing for typesetters to worry about. You can rea…Full commentReply ...