What class of drugs cure blastocystis? What does NSAID drug classification mean? What kind of drug is cyclobenzaprine? What drug classification is valium? What FDA class is the excimer laser? What is a heparin lock? What are cardiotonic drugs?
What is CBD oil used for in veterinary medicine? What are examples of anticholinergic drugs? What is morphine made of? What is the drug classification of nicotine? What is functional diagnostic medicine? What kind of drug is thorazine?
Artem has a doctor of veterinary medicine degree. Ketamine is a drug that is an important medical compound used for surgery. However, it is also used illegally as a recreational drug and for even more nefarious means. Find out what these are in this lesson. ...
Ketamine, popularly known as the party drug Special K, has recently been hailed as a breakthrough treatment for major depression, but it's not without risks.
which is why it should only be given under the supervision of a doctor. The most serious are unconsciousness, high blood pressure, and slowed breathing. The drug could also cause long-term problems, including bladder problems and addiction, if misused. Ketamine could be fatal for people who ab...
Older types of antidepressants — tricyclics (TCAs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) — are sometimes used as well if several first-choice medications haven’t worked. There’s also a newer medication for depression called ketamine or esketamine (Spravato). You take it in a clinic or...
Ketamine is used for anesthesia, but it also has a reputation as a “club drug” — in high doses, it alters consciousness by distorting vision and sound as well as causing feelings of being detached from one’senvironment. That said, there is curr...
Can a Drug Test Lead to a False Positive? Cannabis: Uses, Effects and Safety Cocaine Devil's Breath: Urban Legend or the World's Most Scary Drug? Drug and Substance Abuse Ecstasy GHB or Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate Hashish Heroin Ketamine Abuse Treatment options Medications for Drug Dependence Medication...
Drug or alcohol use What are the signs and symptoms of depression? Appetite changes, or weight gain or loss Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much Fatigue (being mentally and physically tired) or lack of energy Feeling restless, irritable, or withdrawn ...
Treatment is similar to that for other forms of drug abuse. You can look into inpatient or outpatient rehab facilities; alternative addiction treatment programs (which focus on holistic treatment options); detox programs to slowly wean you off whippets; talktherapy; or group therapy that will conn...