③ Use with caution in patients with liver and kidney insufficiency or a history of peripheral neuropathy or pancreatic disease. ④This product is activated within cells. Therefore, its activity may be inhibited by zidovudine and doxorubicin. ⑤ When combined with other drugs that can cause ...
This hereditary condition is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, meaning that anyone who inherits one gene from one parent for the disease will develop the condition. This condition commonly causes monocytopenia, and it can cause neutropenia (low neutrophils) oraplastic anemia(lack of blood ...
According to the agreements signed by Turkey, Russia and Iran last September in Sochi, Ankara would have the task of curbing the terrorist militias of the north-west of Syria, supporting the military actions of the NLF, but the resounding advance of HTS at al-Atareb, just like at Darat Iz...
Fundamental or central to the nature of something or someone. Honesty is an essential trait for a leader. 8 Essence The nature or existence of a thing as determined by its essential properties. Philosophers debate the essence of truth. 8 Essential Indicating a disease intrinsic to the body, no...
Somatoparaphrenia: (Psych.) a type ofmonothematic delusion whereone denies ownership of a limb or an entire side of one’s body [from Gk.sôma, (“body”) +-para(“beside”) + –phrenia] Staurophobia:pathological aversion to the cross or crucifix (eg, cinematic portrayals of Dracula)...
Lastly, like commercial beekeeping, local beekeepers are not immune to disease, which can sometimes result in killing off the sick. Many of the decisions backyard beekeepers make, even if it leads to bees’ death, is about preserving and growing the colony. So when comparing commercial and lo...
‘We used to march in the streets. Now you’re supposed to run for a cure. Walk for a cure, or jump for a cure. The effect of the whole pink-ribbon culture was to drain and deflect the kind of militancy we had as women [who] were appalled to have a disease that was epidemic,...
The work was much admired by his contemporaries and many of hisaphorisms—such as “Cure the disease and kill the patient.”—are popular today.For this reason, Bacon is considered the father of the English essay. Charles Lamb is awell-known essayist in the English Romantic Period. He ...
A critical shortage of food. Essential (geometry) Such that each complementary region is irreducible, the boundary of each complementary region is incompressible by disks and monogons in the complementary region, and no leaf is a sphere or a torus bounding a solid torus in the manifold. Differe...
(as did that of his father). They will argue that support of Assad is a progressive (liberal) leftist value. Whether it’s called “selective humanitarianism” “double standards” or “hypocrisy”, it is a dangerous and insidious disease and should be cured. Here is a little test to ...