Every compound, whether it is ionic or covalent, is made up of some kind of force of attraction. Strength of attraction is very strong in case of polar molecules. Thus, these molecules have high range of boiling and melting point.Answer and Explanation: The given compound ...
What atoms make up lipids? Lipids Lipids are a type of molecule that do not dissolve in water, but can dissolve in other types of solvents known as non-polar solvents. Examples of lipids include fats and oils (these are the main lipids in your diet), and soap, such as you would use...
All lipids are made up of the same atoms: carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O). Lipids contain the same elements that make up carbohydrates but in different proportions. Lipids have a large proportion of carbon and hydrogen bonds and a small proportion of oxygen atoms. Although the st...
It is all about how different materials are put together and made up of atoms and molecules. Additionally, chemistry is how these materials act under different conditions. Slime is a non-Newtonian fluid. A non-Newtonian fluid is neither liquid nor a solid. It can be picked up like a solid...
If any matter is smaller or larger than an atom, it is not an atom. Molecules and compounds may contain atoms, but they are not atoms themselves. Some examples of molecules and compounds are salt water (NaCl) and ethanol. Electrically charged atoms that conduct electricity are called ions, ...
Atoms are a bit like people: they usually prefer company to being alone. A lot of atoms prefer to join up with other atoms because they're more stable that way. So hydrogen atoms don't exist by themselves: instead, they pair up to make what is called a molecule of hydrogen. A molecu...
Shohini Gose quantum physicist says in her TED talk that quantum physics describes the behaviour of atoms and fundamental particles, like electrons or photons. A quantum computer operates by controlling the behaviour of these particles, which is very different from the way our traditional computers wo...
Chemistry is all around us in our daily lives. It explains why food cooks, cars run, and plants grow. By studying chemistry, we learn how things work at a microscopic level. From the smallest atoms to large molecules, chemistry helps us understand the building blocks of the world. ...
(chemistry) Any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction or by any chemical means and made up of atoms all having the same number of protons. Essence An extract or concentrate obtained from a plant or other matter used for flavouring, or as a...
It is created by the movement of electrons or negatively charged particles, between atoms. Depending on the country’s law, electricity may be generated through various means, such as power plants, renewable sources, or coal. Battery Contrary to popular belief, batteries do not store electricity ...