Accents are related to social group. Everyone has an accent, and for every accent there are groups of people who react badly to it. These reactions arc the result of prejudice — an unreasoned jumping to conclusions. Everybody has prejudices about accents. I certainly do. I have held prej...
An accent is a way of pronouncing the words of a language that shows which country, area or social class a person comes from. In Birmingham you might hear "lake" sounding close to "like",and in Ireland you might hear "this" sounding close to "diss". Accents are related to social ...
There're many regional British and American accents. What many Americans think of as the typical (典型的) "British accent" is what's called standardized Received Pronunciation (RP). What most people think of as an "American accent" is the General American (GenAm) accent. .English colonists ...
Accents are related to social group. Everyone has an accent, and for every accent there are groups of people who react badly to it. These reactions are the result of prejudice (偏见)-an unreasoned jumping to conclusions. Everybody has prejudices about accents. I certainly do. I have held...
accents. D.Youcanimproveyourtranslationandrespondeffectively. 3.What?sthemainpurposeofthetext? A.TointroducePaulPimsleurandhismethod. B.Toexplaintheimportanceofforeignlanguages. C.Topersuadereaderstolearnforeignlanguages. D.Toadvertiseamethodoflearningforeignlanguages. B It?snotanewphenomenon,buthaveyounoticed...
What kind of accents do you guys find difficult to understand? If any specific examples come to mind, please share them 查看翻译 sqeesh 6月7日 英语(美国) there are a few different words that british/australian english uses compared to american english, but for native speakers it's pretty...
therapist radiation theraputic effects be therapy and traction therdore dreiser there were moments of there aint any there are there are a hundred b there are about a tho there are already rob there are candies in there are conclusions there are differences there are fewer train there are lovers...
To me, accents reflect the attitudes, characteristics and lifestyles of the people. Jennifer Sun, 16, from New Jersey, US From watching English actors like Daniel Radcliffe, my friends and I have developed a soft spot for British men.Some are attracted to the qualities of English males, while...
3. "Standard" accents and dialects are kind of a myth Which accent or dialect gets treated as "standard" has everything to do with the people who use it, and nothing to do with the linguistic features of the language. You might sometimes hear people explain why the "standard" makes more...
While accents can widely differ even within the same language, they are a natural part of spoken languages across the world. In contrast, the term brogue specifically refers to the Irish accent, particularly when speaking English. It is characterized by its distinctive pronunciation and intonation ...