When baby ants come out of the eggs,they are called grubs.They look like worms,Thequeen feeds them food and water.But when a grub is a woek or two old.it stops eating,It noIonger needs food.It makes a bag around itself and goes to sleep.Then it grows into a big ant.Most grubs...
Turf grass is alandscapingand lawn gardening term for the grass used on a lawn. This type of grass is in contrast with ornamental grasses, which are generally larger, taller, and grow in bunches. Well-known types of turf grass include St. Augustine grass, centipede grass, and zoysia grass...
Turf grass is alandscapingand lawn gardening term for the grass used on a lawn. This type of grass is in contrast with ornamental grasses, which are generally larger, taller, and grow in bunches. Well-known types of turf grass include St. Augustine grass, centipede grass, and zoysia grass...