Despite the environmental risks, sulfuryl fluoride is one of the most effective ways to kill termites that could otherwise destroy your home. Severe, widespread infestations of dry wood termites and other wood-eating bugs tend to require tenting to completely kill off the infestation. The best way...
What Can Fecal Pellets Tell Us About Cryptic Drywood Termites (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae)? In Proceedings of the International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Beijing, China, 20-24 May 2009; IRG Secretariat: Stockholm, Sweden, 2009; IRG Document No. IRG/WP/20407, pp. 1-12.Grace JK ...
sound wood, making them a significant pest of wood-frame homes. Like most termites, drywood termites eat structural wood from the inside out, leaving a brittle shell. Unlike some other types of termites, however, they don't need access to damp conditions. Many species of drywood...
I haven’t seen any ants or termites… yet… but it’s January. I expect to get a few more nasty surprises this spring. Can Boracare kill mold? Or should I treat the wood with an ammonia mold killing spray first? Will it stop new mold from forming if I do pretreat the inside of...
Structural fumigation is a treatment technique used to control drywood termite infestations in a home. This treatment method should be used onlywhen the infestation is extensive, difficult to locate or difficult to access with more targeted methods. ...
microorganisms Review What Kills the Hindgut Flagellates of Lower Termites during the Host Molting Cycle? Christine A. Nalepa Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613, USA;; Tel.: +1-919-233-8214 Received: 3 November 2017; ...