Athlete's foot is a commonfungal infectionthat can develop on your feet and can cause itching, burning, or stinging. You don't have to be an athlete to get it. It happens in children and adults of all ages.Most often, athlete’s foot will appear between your toes, but it also can ...
Athlete's foot is a commonfungal infectionthat can develop on your feet and can cause itching, burning, or stinging. You don't have to be an athlete to get it. It happens in children and adults of all ages.Most often, athlete’s foot will appear between your toes, but it also can ...
Antifungal creams,ointments, and powders for athlete’s foot or ringworm. These products contain clotrimazole or tolnaftate and aren’t effective for toenail fungus. But you can use them alongside other medications if you have both skin and toenail fungus. See recommended specialists near you...
If yourfeetare burning or itchy all the time, and if you see what looks like arash on the skin, you could have athlete’s foot. But did you know that there’s more than one type? Afunguscauses this infection. One of the most common ways to pick it up is to walk barefoot in plac...
This is a staple in OTC products for athlete’s foot,ringworm, andjock itch. It comes in a cream, powder, spray, or liquid. You may feel relief after 2 to 3 days, but keep using it for at least 2 weeks after symptoms disappear. ...
Bitter orange oil is a natural fungus fighter. Besides athlete’s foot, it may help to clear up ringworm and jock itch. One study found that when people applied a watered-down form of bitter orange oil to their feet three times a day, the fungus cleared up after a week or two. ...