Foot fungus, also called athlete's foot, is a common condition. It's an irritating problem caused by fungus infecting the skin of your feet. You can treat it with OTC medicines that contain antifungal agents. Your best defense against foot fungus is keeping your feet clean and dry. Foot ...
It can spread to other toes, or to other parts of the body, giving youathlete's footorjock itch. If you have diabetes, you're at a higher risk of getting sores that do not heal. Diabetesmakes you more likely to have other problems from minor foot issues....
These infections are hard to treat because it’s difficult for medications to get into the keratin that makes up nails and the blood vessels don’t connect to the nail. Many people find it hard to continue to use the medications for as long as is needed and may give up after months or...
particularly athlete’s foot, you should not passtea tree oil. In this case, you need have a strong essential oil such as tea tree oil that may be used single or combined with other carrier oils to eliminate the foot odor problem. ...