We still don’t know well how to fix many problems humans have with their anatomy, and that’s orders of magnitude worst for most animals, because we don’t understand how anatomy works, or even what the anatomy is like in some cases. So that keeps me busy discovering things. Every spe...
Only unlike most fat and water mixes, it stays even.Each fat globule is surrounded by a protein membrane that keeps it from breaking up. Inside the fluid part of the milk are casein protein “micelles”: groups of several thousand protein molecules that are bound together by calcium phosphate...
blew this one. Most folks of ANY political ilk in the Midwest, South and non-coastal West just DO NOT GET asking your president to stay away from your town when he has offered to come after a tragedy.
Tiger crane flies usually have a brown to dark brown body coloration, which contrasts with the pattern on their wings. Their wings often feature distinctive dark spots or bands that resemble the stripes of a tiger. The wingspan of a tiger crane fly can range from about 0.4 inches to well ...
Other insect infestations, such as cockroaches, bees and wasps, can also cause be a nuisance. A third area of forensic entomology is stored products entomology. Simply put, this involves cases of bugs found in food. If a grocery store receives a shipment of cereal, and customers open their ...
Anyways, those empty ( shadow inventory) houses has No sale sign, over grown backyard, bee nest and wasps all over the house. I am hearing that Banks can delay foreclose process up to 10 years, it is funny cos I am actually witnessing it. People are complaining that invent...