Less obvious than the lanes, players can also start the game by fighting neutral monsters in the space between the lanes. A number of creatures reside here, both teams able to slay all inside. Players who focus on killing these creatures early game are known as “junglers.” By killing the...
But most people are just dying to ganks because they don’t understand the timings of why that jungler is there at that time— which is usually just dependent on which side of the map they started. Just understanding the way junglers want to clear, and how it feels to play jungl...
Yeah, so I think that it's been interesting, and it's also been new, primarily for me playing with Selfmade. I've been used to supportive or just AFK-farm junglers. I mean, not Santorin. He was supportive but he was not AFK-farm, I think he was really good. Whereas Osk...
- According to the 10.2 patch, junglers became slaves - Turned into slaves. Trash role. On the other hand, top lane was crowned as the least impactful role with 22 votes. They say that top lane is a league of their own in solo queue; seems it’s not that different in pro play as ...
Cho'Gath does very well in early trades, winning a lot of top lane matchups. For aggressive junglers, this tendency allows them to invade and control the top side. If a Cho'Gath team has a losing jungle matchup, however, Cho'Gath winning the lane early can backfire when it gets ganked...
The LOL and DOTA map consists of a top,mid, andbotlane with jungle area in between the top-mid lanes and mid-bottom lanes. The champions that play in the jungle area are calledjunglers. The top lane is usually played by champions that can take and/or deal a lot of damage. ...
that there's a lot of room between the lanes. This is called the jungle, and heroes that hang out in here are called junglers. The jungle is filled with monster camps that generate monsters every few minutes -- and it's a jungler's job to kill those monsters to get experience and ...
The problem is that, as a team, SKT have grown too reliant on Faker to make those plays. Everyone needs his help—the junglers need him to help steal camps, the top laners can’t stay safe on their own, and the bot lane has never been a source of early-game pressure. ...