Joists can look ok but you have to poke them with a screwdriver, they can be like weetabix when you do that 😱 ( voice of experience here). It sounds like the joist ends to me, they crumble away in the brickwork or joist hangers, which causes the bounce. Quote Thanks Add post Shar...
CBH concealed beam hanger— concealed joist hangers preinstalled by glulam manufacturers in CNC-cut joists and carrying members (beams or columns). Matched connector plates mate onsite using Strong-Drive® SDS Heavy-Duty Connector screws (included). Mass Timber Lateral systems Strong-Rod® anchor ...
It is hard to tell from the photo above, but structurally things are pwned. It is all bad. I had to fish joist-hangers and scrap 2x6 parts from my shed so we can make it hold the weight of a human. Lots of the plywood already there was "delaminated" which means in laymen terms ...