What can you do with a law degree? Lots! Discover a wide range of legal careers, both traditional and alternative.
What jobs can you get with a liberal studies degree? Instead of choosing a career at the beginning of their degree, liberal arts students are more likely to be focusing on learning as much as they can about the world around them, which opens up opportunities across many industry sectors. ...
Often, neuroscience is a subject in which you can specialise during a biomedical sciences degree. This article will highlight the top three highest-paying jobs available to those with a neuroscience degree for the following sectors: medicine, clinical science, tech...
This excerpt of the book "Dear J.D.: What to Do with Your Law Degree" helps law students and lawyers identify and commit to a particular law practice among the hundreds of possible choices. Liberty depends on the rule of law, which depends on the frequent, discrete, and minute services ...
Whenhewas20,in1985,Kéréearnedavocationalscholarshiptostudycarpentry(木工)in Berlin.Butwhileabsorbedinthepracticalityofroofingandfurnituremaking,healsoattended nightschoolandwasadmittedtoTechnicalUniversityofBerlin,fromwhichhegraduatedin2004 withanadvanceddegreeinarchitecture.Hewasstillastudentwhenhedesignedandbuiltthe...
This excerpt of the book "Dear J.D.: What to Do with Your Law Degree" helps law students and lawyers identify and commit to a particular law practice among the hundreds of possible choices. Liberty depends on the rule of law, which depends on the frequent, discrete, and minute services ...
Pursuing a law enforcement degree is an investment that pays off with time. You can either first graduate and then start looking for a job or start your career and then enroll in an online program. There is a great variety of jobs that you can get with a law enforcement degree, some ...
Physics Jobs According to aPowerPoint presentationabout physics careers published by Crystal Bailey, career programs manager at the nonprofit American Physical Society, physics degree-holders wind up in a wide range of jobs, many outside of academia. Physics grads often work in the private sector an...
A sound knowledge of law is a real bonus in a variety of jobs. 3. Careers Involving Your LEgal SKills The skills you have developed during your law degree are likely to be just as valuable as its content. For example, being able to research in a detailed and thorough manner is valuable...
Furthermore, individuals who prefer to work for an established company rather than for themselves can expect to qualify for a variety of jobs with a finance degree. Though it is common for finance professionals to work at banks, they can find employment elsewhere, experts say. Mir, for examp...