i fall for you when i i fancied that i fear loneliness i fear not death i fear those who read i fear up i feel alright alrigh i feel as if i feel a i feel at home living i feel disoriented i feel dutiful i feel emotions runni i feel fantastic abou i feel fear i feel great ...
33Who can bring any charge against God’s chosen ones? God makes us right with himself.34Who can sentence us to death? Christ Jesus is at the right hand of God and is also praying for us. He died. More than that, he was raised to life. ...
The New Heaven and New Earth will be perfect, and there will no longer be any more pain, crying, or death (Revelation 21:4). When Jesus tells us, “Heaven and Earth will pass away,” He is referring to the End Times, yet His focus is on the second half of his statement, “bu...
Free eBook: Seeing as Jesus Sees 3 Stories of Compassion in the Bible by Bryant Wright and Send Relief. sendrelief.org New Book from John MacArthur "The War on Children: Providing Refuge for Your Children in a Hostile World" amazon.com 创建广告 使用我们的促销工具在 SermonAudio 上做广...
There's your answer right there. There was a season in Jesus' ministry when he was trying to avoid crowds. He was trying to get alone with his disciples because he had to prepare them for his coming death.But the point is, in the interest of that, he took him to a pla...
Jesus died on the cross, it was not merely a gesture of love. Jesus’ death on the cross accomplished something. Every sin, every thought or action we know is wrong – that sin was paid for by Jesus on the cross. Instead of us receiving the punishment for our sins, Jesus took our ...
After his death his disciples testified that he had come back to life. They described how Jesus had appeared to them in physical form on multiple occasions over forty days. They faced ridicule, opposition and even death, to spread the Gospel, ‘the Good News of Jesus!’ ...
i love you i miss you i love you cause i ne i love you in death i love you lord i love you more than i love you more than i love you not becaus i love you not becaus i love you beginner i love your dad i love youyoure the n i loved the man i lØbet af i m afraid...
If so, how did you respond, and what were the results? What is wrong with asking God, “Why?” or, “Why me?” What would be a better response to a test, or any painful situation? How is this story of Abraham and Isaac at Mount Moriah a picture of Jesus’ death ...
Jesus said nothing randomly, nor did he speak of his own, as he clearly expressed. He only spoke what the Father spoke (John 12:49), so these final words were intentional and had meaning. Before his death, Jesus said, “Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit.” Here Jesus ...