Suitcase. A box of bag with a handle used for carrying clothes and persons when you travel. Import and export company. Jet lag. The feeling of being tired and slightly confused of the along planner eesp after traveling between place that have a time difference of the Harvard. Listen to th...
i always go shopping i always have i always knew you wer i always know honey i always play sports i always remind mysel i always that way i always travel safel i always want you wit i always will i am a cyborg - but t i am a fighter and i i am a quiet decent p i am afrai...
thatyouworetillitwasthreadbare,youwouldalsosaytoapieceofclothingyouneverworeonce “thankyouforteachingmethatthiscolordoesn?tlookgoodonme”.Youwillappreciatetheroles ofallthethingsthathavecometoyouandexperienceappreciationforallofthem.Throughthis experience,youwillrediscoverthetruththatyouhavebeensupportedbysomanyt...
aIf you have completed your personal record an guarantee to be responsible for all the information,ensuring that they are true and accurate,please enter your name(the same name you have filled it in the application form)in the following textbox for confirmation. If you can not be responsible ...
54、e lost the camera she bought for her mother.Many of her personal details were nowhere to find.Someone broke into her car and stole her stuff.Write a report about what happened to her.Wait for the lost items to return to her.Calm down and not to make any complaint.File a report ...
A.Itcouldbeahomeforher. B.Itshouldbeeasilyaccessible. C.Itshouldbewellpreserved. D.Itneedstobefullyintroduced. 11.Whatisthetextmainlyabout? A.Achildhooddream. B.Anunforgettableexperience. C.Sailingaroundtheworld. D.MeetinganimalsinAntarctica. 模拟强化 A Whichcountrycanyoutraveltoin2020that willallow ...
3.Check the items you like for your meal on the door knob menu.在门把手菜单上查一下你们喜欢的食物。4.I need one more pillow please.我需要加个枕头。 5.The air-conditioner doesn’t work.空调坏了。 6.We’ll dry-clean the dress.我们将干洗这条裙子。 7.When can I have my laundry ...
That being said, Japan is very open and welcoming to visitors.” –Krysti ofWanderful Horizons, expat living in Japan April 2024: “Tourism is really popular in Japan these days, and crowds can be difficult to avoid. There are no more travel restrictions for Japan, so it’s a much simple...
What to Pack for a Trip to Dali in February: Essential Travel Items 引语: 当冬日的寒风逐渐被温暖的阳光取代,2月的季节正是探索大理这片古老而神秘土地的更佳时机。大理,以其迷人的自然风光、深厚的文化底蕴和特别的民族风情,每年吸引着无数游客。由于2月正值冬季气候多变,为确信旅途愉快,合理打包行李显得尤...
This detled guide should help you prepare adequately for your trip to Yunnan, ensuring that you have everything you need to make the most of your journey. Whether you're exploring the stunning natural beauty or immersing yourself in the rich cultural tapestry, being well-prepared will enhance ...