The Poison Barb is a valuable item inPokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearlas it can provide these Poison-type Pokémon with a bonus inside or outside of battle. The Poison Barb can boost attack, HP, or speed for Poison-type Pokémon members of a trainer's team. Additionally, several...
Spectrieris the overall better choice due to its high special attack, speed, and better mono-typing. Additionally, fusing Calyrex with Spectrier boosts its special attack and speed even further! Is Glastrier better than Spectrier? Glastrier is definitely the better Pokemon to choose. It has powe...'ve reverted to playing this on IpT5 because it's not like this game has an ios8+ requirement, it'll be nice to play this on the go, there's nothing tying me down to internet access for this game*, and i...
The Dig Site is located in the northern part of Ginger Island, to the left of the Island Field Office. The bridge leading to the site will initially be broken; to repair it, you will need togive 10 Golden Walnuts to the nearby parrot. Once you repair the bridge, you can enter the a...
If you did choose Rancher,Shepherd is the better level ten choice, making sheep produce wool faster. This late in the game, you probably won't need the incubation speed bonus of Coopmaster. Which type of animal you befriend faster also comes down to personal preference. ...