choking, and gagging can also disturb their bed partner. This can lead torelationship problemsor at least cause the couple to sleep apart. Sleep apnea has also been associated with impairments to people’s sex lives.
There is a hereditary link associated with sleep apnea. Use of alcohol or other sedatives: These substances cause the muscles in your throat to relax, exacerbating sleep breathing issues such as OSA. Smoking: Smokers are three times more likely to suffer from OSA than their non-smoking ...
Dr. Virend Somers, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist with a focus on sleep apnea, says it's a serious medical condition that can cause heart problems and other health issues. Dr. Somers co-authored a studypublishedin theJournal of the American College of Cardiologyon the treatment of obstructive sle...
Let’s take a look at some of the effects of sleep deprivation on health: Sleep Issues Can Cause Us to Gain Weight A scientific study revealed that people of all ages can gain weight if they are sleep-deprived. This occurs for multiple reasons, but the study showed conclusively that obes...
I'm paranoid that my children will develop sleep apnea, and monitor them all the time to make sure they are breathing normal while sleeping. Ever since I heard that people can sometimes just stop breathing for no reason, it has scared me. ...
health-relatedissues. Dr.MargaretBlattner,clinicalinstructor,fromthedepartmentofneurologyatBethIsrael DeaconessMedicalCenter,tellsPeoplethatfrequentorlongdaytimenapscandisturbhealthy nighttimesleep.Nappingduringtheday may makeithardertofallasleepatnightorcause nighttimesleeptobecomefragmentedandthatmissingoutonnighttimesle...
Large tonsils:Common inchildren with obstructive sleep apnea, enlarged tonsils can cause breathing obstruction, leading to surgical removal if necessary. Diagnosing Obstructive Sleep Apnea Diagnosing sleep apnea typically involves a comprehensive evaluation that includes a variety of tests and assessments. On...
Oftentimes, sleep apnea masquerades as insomnia. This constant struggling to breath all night long can lead to an increased number of awakenings. Although your "choking" is what wakes you up, by the time your brain regains full consciousness, you have no recollection of the actual cause of ...
I'm paranoid that my children will develop sleep apnea, and monitor them all the time to make sure they are breathing normal while sleeping. Ever since I heard that people can sometimes just stop breathing for no reason, it has scared me. ...
Types of sleep apnea Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).While the muscles of your body naturally relax during sleep, the muscles in the back of your throat relax as well. Your airway, which is made up of collapsible walls of soft tissue, can cause a breathing obstruction during sleep. ...