New documentation article: Optimize Zoom on a Windows 365 Cloud PC We’ve published a new help documentation article. For more information, see Optimize Zoom on a Windows 365 Cloud PC. Device security Two new security baseline settings for Windows 11 Cloud PCs Windows 365 Enterprise now supports...
Support for ISVs in Malaysia I get this question very often from our ISV partners. How do you get technical support especially... Date: 07/14/2008 Deep Zooming the photos I snapped in Japan Check out the PhotoZoom at MS Live Labs. It uses the Deep Zoom technology, and instead of using...
Some examples are Microsoft Outlook, WhatsApp, and Zoom. Web Browsing Software: Allows users to access and navigate the internet. Some of the web browsing software is Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Multimedia Software: Enables playing and editing audio, video, and image files. VLC Media ...
Added the Command-Plus sign (+) and Command-Minus sign (-) key combos to zoom in and out respectively. Fixed RemoteApp resource launch and reconnect scenarios. Updated the client to send the correct physical dimensions for the iPad Mini 6. ...
With a Hybrid 18X Zoom for Medium & Large Rooms With a streamlined design, dual 4K lenses, seamless lens switching, upgraded audio technology, and simple setup, the VB350 is the ultimate all-in-one solution for next-level video meetings. Level up to premium audio and video by using this ...
Is there an article to read about what is Outlook.exe /cleanviews , what it does and how it does it?Thanks a lot!复制 Ceasar All replies (2)Tuesday, September 7, 2010 11:25 AM ✅AnsweredThe /cleanviews switch restores all folder views to their default settings. It works by ...
Newly certified for Teams, the AVer CAM520 Pro3 is a versatile Full HD PTZ video conference camera with a 36X total zoom, upgraded AVer SmartFrame, Preset Framing, Smart Composition, and a Sony WDR Sensor. It also provides three output options, including HDMI, for versatile streaming....
E-book viewer: Add a command line flag --new-instance to force the viewer to open a new window even if the option to always use a single viewer window is set Closes tickets: 2038760 E-book viewer: Image popup: Add a checkbox to remember the last used zoom level Closes tickets: 20...
The plug-in is compatible with H.264. 4 What's New in Windows Mobile 6.5 Performance improvements include: Fixes to improve page load times. Enhancements to zoom responsiveness. Improvements to memory usage. There are new features with Adobe Flash, such as auto-...
我們已修正透過 VBA 變更 Window.Zoom 時,工作表可能無法正確顯示的問題。 我們已修正用戶回報 AutoSave 無法處理新活頁簿的問題。Outlook我們已修正當使用者回復或轉寄未標記的訊息時,導致預設 SMIME 標籤無法套用的問題。 我們已修正會導致 [提醒] 對話框上的按鈕被某些字型截斷的問題。 我們已...