Black cumin is also calledNigella sativaor nigella seeds. The flowers ofNigella sativaare delicate and pale blue and white, with five to ten petals. Nigella sativa has a strong bitter taste and smell and is widely used in confectionery and liquors. Black cumin is used in Middle Eastern medici...
What is collagen? The most abundant protein in the body, it's found in muscles, bones, skin and tendons. Learn about the types, sources, benefits and supplements.
Your Best Skin Ever: Skin Care Treatments and Products Found: The Best Deodorants for Sensitive Skin Meet The GOAT of Natural Deodorants Tate McRae Looks Glowy-AF at the Vanity Fair Party Everyone Who Slayed the Vanity Fair Party
We all want to do our best to take care of our skin, which is why it’s so important to make sure that we know what kind of ingredients are in our skincare and
Hot on the heels of vitamins are the Next Big Things of skincare: minerals. Copper peptides has risen to prominence as a hero ingredient in many anti-aging products as it tackles damaged skin cells. Fancy a throwback to your angst-filled teen days? Zinc (as in Zinc Oxide) is a mineral...
This Is Why Your Skin Is So Dry (Even When You Moisturize) and What... Is your skincare routine as hydrating as it could be? Skincare The Problem with Skin Types: Why It’s Better to Treat Your Skin Condition... Let go of this limiting classification system. ...
Mineral makeup - what is it and is it the best option for your skin? Find out what mineral makeup is made of and how your skin can benefit from natural ingredients.
If you’re currently pregnant, check with your medical provider before starting zinc soap.¹⁵ If zinc pyrithione isn’t for you, another option would be a body wash with salicylic acid (like the acne body wash by Curology). However, we recommend you check with your OB/GYN before ...
Fungal acne is caused by pityrosporum, a type of fungus that naturally lives on the skin. In addition to eliminating potential fungal acne triggers like dirty, sweaty pillowcases, look for acne treatments with these ingredients: Zinc pyrithione has antimicrobial properties that help to stop the ...
skin lesions, diarrhea, and muscle wasting. Ahair follicle, the skin part that produces hairs, requires zinc for growth. Inside hair follicles, cell division needs to be efficient during the Anagen phase, and zinc has a big part in this cellular process. If zinc is low, the follicle’s ...