到底译了?怎 PhilipCrosby’sdefinitioniseasilytoppled:ifrequirementsarewrong,thenfailureisguaranteed.Hisfocus isthedomainofQAwhere,withoutaspecification,qualitycannotbemeasuredandthuscontrolled.You cannothavezerodefectsifyoudonothaveastandardagainstwhichtomeasuredefectiveness. 菲利普克译斯比的译量定译容易被推:如果...
So what is wrong?到底怎么了?Philip Crosby’s definition is easily toppled: if requirements are wrong, then failure is guaranteed. His focus is the domain of QA where, without a specification, quality cannot be measured and thus controlled. You cannot have zero defects if you do not have a...
翻译:275641119 What is Quality?~ David Straker ~质量是什么?大卫 思切克This article first appeared Quality World, the journal of the Chartered Quality Institute此篇文章首次于特许质量协会出现质量一词The domain of the quality professional has changed. From its humble beginnings in manufacturing, it ...
For individuals, it is crucial to regularly update their operating system and software, as well as installantivirussoftware andendpoint detection and response(EDR) software on their personal devices. This ensures that vulnerabilities and defects are promptly addressed, and their computers are safeguarded...
An intrusion prevention system (IPS) is a security mechanism. It detects intrusion behaviors (such as Trojan horses, worms, botnets, and spyware) based on behavior detection, signature database matching, and threat modeling; terminates intrusion behavior
MTBF is calculated by dividing the total time of operation by the number of failures that occur during that time. The result is an average value that can be used to estimate the expected service life of the system or component. It's important to note that MTBF is an average time, and ...
Defensics®Fuzzing- Identify defects and zero-day vulnerabilities in services and protocols. Defensics is a comprehensive, versatile, automated black boxfuzzerthat enables organizations to efficiently and effectively discover and remediatesecurity weaknessesin software. ...
Six Sigma: a set of tools and techniques to improve the quality and performance of the products and processes by reducing the variation and defects. FOD prevention and control is a part of the Six Sigma methodology, as FOD is considered a defect that affects the customer satisfaction and loyal...
The inspector will check for damaged or missing siding, cracks, and whether the soil is in excessively close contact with the bottom of the house, which can invite wood-destroying insects. However, the pest inspector (yes, you might want to engage one of those, too), not the home inspecto...
Net realizable value (NRV) is the value of an asset that can be realized upon its sale, minus a reasonable estimation of the costs involved in selling it.