When used to mean "Whitey," YT is an acronym (i.e., an abbreviation spoken like a word). Example of YT Used in a Texttranslateyt? yep y? wot r u doin? jst chillin on yt lafin @yts tryin 2 talk like brosThis page is maintained by the Cyber Definitions Editorial Team....
I mean, he's not wrong. Giphy A bad joke with no punchline. - oldeddy One of my favorite movies about love is The Wedding Planner because Jennifer Lopez's character Mary says very honestly, "I don't feel anything about love." It's ironic because, like the title of the movie sugg...
But unlike other gems, where a low quality stone may still last generation to generation, this is not the case with poorqualitypearlsif by 'poorqual- ity" we mean thin-nacre In my opinion, none of.the.'quality' factors reports on pearls, most labs indi- cate only whether or not the ...
The daily mean per user was calculated for all days that at least one session has been recorded for the phone (M = 27.7 days per user, SD = 4.8). Our classification of the 16,269 used apps into the five mediatic types from Figure 1 was guided by the rather automatically provided ...
Even if hybrid PAES always provides mean HV values better than other EMOAs in competition, this is not completely assessed by the statistical test for all of them; e.g., hybrid PAES beats hybrid NSGA2 36 times only with the defined confidence of 0.05. Multiobjective Optimization for Multimode...