It is possible to turn a strength into a weakness as long as it is original and genuine, however we do not recommend (vt. 推荐;建议;劝告;使受欢迎;使可取) this strategy (n. 战略,策略) as the interviewer (n. 面谈者;进行面试者;会见者) probably believes that the answer is rehearsed (v...
Reflecting on your weaknesses is important for a nurse. The steps you’ve taken to address your weakness showcase your commitment to professional growth and patient care. Below are some of the best responses to the question, “What is your weakness as a nurse?” These answers illustrate the ...
昨天呢我们了解怎么回答“what is your strength” 你的长处是什么。今天我们来探讨一下下一个问题 ”what is your weakness” 也就是: 你的缺点/弱点是什么。 Let’s kick off this topic by saying “your weaknessis your weakness”, 缺点就是缺点,不是将你的优点极端化然后变成你的弱点。 小伙伴们可能...
昨天呢我们了解怎么回答“what is your strength” 你的长处是什么。今天我们来探讨一下下一个问题 ”what is your weakness” 也就是: 你的缺点/弱点是什么。 Let’s kick off this topic by saying “your weaknessis your weakness”, 缺点就是缺点,不是将你的优点极端化然后变成你的弱点。 小伙伴们可能...
The "what is your greatest weakness?" question is common in medical school interviews, dental school interviews and grad school interviews. It's key to prepare for this tricky question and know how to answer it right!
Let’s pretend you’re in an interview, and as far as you can tell, it’s going great. You’ve nailed every question the hiring manager has thrown at you, and you’re feeling good. Then, they drop a bomb on you: “So, tell me, what is your greatest weakness?”...
What’s Your Weakness? The dreaded interview question. What should you say? Do you tell them that you’re a perfectionist? What if they ask“Why is that a weakness?”Then, if you’re nervous, you may be compelled to go on and on about the time you were in charge of a project, bu...
“What is your biggest weakness?” is one of the most common interview questions a candidate will get. Talking about one’s shortcomings is never fun. But look at this as an opportunity to demonstrate self-awareness as well as self-confidence in one’s flaws. ...
What is your weakness?(谈谈你的缺点吧)世界上本来就没有完美的人,每个人都有缺点,不过,企业希望了解你是否能诚实面对自己个性或能力上的不足,并知道如何在未来的工作上调整与改进。透过你回答问题的角度与说法,观察你的自我评估能力与未来职涯的发展空间。