Your car insurance premium is the amount you pay your insurance company for coverage. Insurance companies determine your premiums according to risk factors, like driving history, age, credit score, and more. Becauseauto insurance premiumsdepend on a wide range of factors, your rates will be differ...
A premium is essentially the cost of membership to have an insurance policy. But there are other out-of-pocket payments you may have to make — in addition to your premium — depending on your coverage. Let’s go over some of these common costs so you know the differences. Deductible:...
Insurance premiums usually have a base calculation. Then, based on your personal information and location, you may have discounts that are added to the base premium that reduces your cost. In order to get preferred rates, or morecompetitiveor cheaper insurance premiums, additional information is us...
However, it is important to note that the provisions found in the insurance contract govern the terms related to the return of an unearned premium. Those provisions must be in harmony with regulations and laws currently in force in the area where the coverage is offered. Depending on the con...
which is $678 per year on average. However, full coverage provides a greater degree of protection to your finances because it covers damage to both the other party and to your own vehicle. This means that, although your premium might be more expensive, your financial health is better protecte...
One thing insurance companies usually don't do is apply discounts during the policy period. Some customers become eligible for certain discounts such as a retirement discount or a homeowners discount during the policy period. They can inform their insurance company of the change but the premium usu...
aTerm insurance functions in a manner similar to most other types of insurance in that it satisfies claims against what is insured if the premiums are up to date and the contract has not expired, and does not expect a return of Premium dollars if no claims are filed. 定期保险作用有些相似...
ve experienced or caused vehicle damage. The good news is that you have auto insurance to cover part or all of the costs of this damage. You may need to file a car insurance claim even if you aren’t at fault for the damage, but the circumstances of your claim will depend on the ...
Written premium is an accounting term in theinsuranceindustry used to describe the total amount that customers are required to pay for insurance coverage on policies issued by a company during a specific period of time. Written premiums factor in the amount ofpremiumcharged for a policy that has ...
Universal life (UL) insurance is a type ofpermanent life insurancethat, like other permanent insurance, has acash valueelement and offers lifetime coverage as long as you pay yourpremiums. Unlike whole life insurance, universal life allows you to raise or lower your premiums within certain limits...