1 为什么面试官要询问你的Passion?首先,我认为需要拿出一分钟时间思考一下为什么面试官会经常对求职者提出这个问题。以我的认知,可能有三个原因:1.面试官想更好地了解你。他们不仅仅满足于认识简历中的你,而更想了解如果之后你们一起工作了,你真正关心的东西是什么。这是另一种询问“Doyoufitthecompanyculture...
最近的抑郁已经让自己忘记了有passion这回事,甚至连interest都变的很寡淡。但一切都会回来的,我会恢复,会变的更好。so,what is your passion,是一个不能回避的问题。一切都为之,但如果是在自己死的时候才知道问题的答案,那一定死不瞑目。 · again,what is your passion?不一定要现在回答。但要知道,因为没有...
Passion describes the strong feeling you have when doing something you love. This could be anything from listening to music, playing sports, drawing, doing puzzles or getting lost in a book. Following your passion doesn't mean trying to be the best at something or doing it because other ...
My passion is not just in helping in their finances, but in their lives too. In today’s world, almost everything is integrated. You can’t be free to build a life if you are always behind on your payments. You can’t have thepeace of mindto pursue your dearest goals and aspirations...
Smith, Riann
Find Your Passion Quotes Life And Passion Quotes Famous Passion For What You Do Quotes You need great passion, because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well. — Juan Manuel Fangio 55 You have to really believe in what you’re doing and be passionate about it. Passion is wh...
What's your passion? 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 8 摘要: The article reports that every person is created with a desire to find a satisfying purpose in life. Although, there are many things in the world which claim to fill the emptiness inside, but it is not so. One can enter a ...
Passion is contagious You’ve shared your passion with those around you, so they’re passing iton. All of that’s contributing to your successful practice. Good for you! And you want to serve more people, right? So here’s the big question: Can you express your passion in a clear, ...
teach our students. I personally love Literacy and do a lot of research, writing, and presenting hands-on learning approaches when teaching children to read. Each teacher is different in what their passion is, but whatever that passion is, take it and be the best you can be for ...