Hamburgerismyfavoritefood. Itisdelicious.It’sfromtheUSA. What’syourfavoritedrink? Teaismyfavoritedrink. Itisthebest.It’sfromChina.;食物;汉堡;中国;美国;水果;饮料;喝;巧克力;美味的;可口的;中国的;中国人的;Lookandtick;;;Thinkandchoose;①;Playroles;WhatfooddoesKittylike?;Let’slearn;Let’stalk...
…Colour,thingsandfood Color,thingsandfood Colors,thingsandfood Unit3 What’syourfavoritefood?Brainstormonthefoodwords meatfruit vegetable applemelon strawberry fruit watermelonbanana grapes orange vegetable meat rice noodles eggs Discussion(pairwork):What’syourfavouritefood?favouriteadj.最喜欢的 ...
Unit 3 whats your favorite food,以你最快的速度翻译出老师说的词语,Translation,noodles,dumplings,rice,French fries,chicken,beef,humburgers
系统标签: food pep favorite 上册 小学 favourite 刘萍(新鲜的)(咸的)(甜的)(新鲜的)(健康的)(酸的)(好吃的)sweetWhat’syourfavouritefood?Ilike…Idon’tlike…It’s…/They’re…(最喜爱的)NameFavouritefoodWhy?Johnice-creamsweetSURVEYFORMWhat’syourfavouritefood?Ilike…Why?They’re…/It’s…Homewo...
Unit 3 What is your favorite food英语课件PPT模板由专业的PPT模板网站当图网提供,免费Unit 3 What is your favorite food英语课件PPT模板下载,Unit 3 What is your favorite food英语课件PPT模板免费下载,更多精美PPT模板,尽在当图网。
Unit 3 Unit 3 WhatWhats your s your favorite foodfavorite food? ? Find the food and drink wordst o f u h e g g p la n tf d g m u t t o n w n k pr o t o m a t o w s e o ri p o r k la k f is h lc a b b a g e h b c v B me m ilp o t a ...
What's your favorite food课件 t___mo__at___op___orkt___of___u p__to__at__o__ggpl___nteaf___ish 对话录像 Makeasurvey Whatdoyouhaveforbreakfast\lunch\dinnertoday?Ihave…BreakfastMeMypartner Lunch Dinner WehavesweetdumplingsonLanternFestival.WehavezongzionDragonBoatFestival.Wehavemooncak...