Learn what LDL-C (bad cholesterol) is, the risks of having a high LDL number, and factors to consider in reducing your LDL.
Often labeled as “bad” cholesterol, LDL is a type of lipoprotein particle found in your blood. At higher levels, it can contribute to heart disease.
LDL, known as the"bad"cholesterol, is the form that may narow arteries and limit │or stop blood flow. It's the resulh of a dici high in fats, lack of exercise. HDL is the"good" cholesterol that sweeps the blood and removes cioc Lowciog your cholesterol may reduce your isk for ...
Cholesterol: Bad vs. Good LDLstands forlow-density lipoprotein. Like all fats, cholesterol can't dissolve in blood, which is mostly water, so it attaches itself to a protein. 'Lipo' means fat, thus 'lipoprotein'. The protein acts like a bus, traveling around the body via the bloodstream...
High bad (LDL) cholesterol High blood pressure family historyof high cholesterol or early heart disease You smoke Get a Cholesterol Test High cholesterol doesn’t have symptoms. You might not feel anything different until you have a heart attack or stroke. But your doctor can run a simple bloo...
LDL cholesterol is called bad cholesterol because it forms plaque in your arteries. As plaque builds up, your arteries become narrow, and less blood flows through. When plaque decreases blood flow to your heart, you may have chest pain. If plaque completely blocks an artery that brings blood ...
Here's what you need to know about the lipoproteins found in your blood: LDL cholesterol: Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are the so-called "bad" type of cholesterol, according to theAmerican Heart Association(AHA). While LDL cholesterol isn't bad on its own, if a person has too...
Although doctors still don't know exactly why it occurs, having a high blood cholesterol level is thought to be a contributing factor. LDL: Low-density lipoprotein, the "bad" cholesterol often implicated in the development of atherosclerosis. HDL: High-density lipoprotein, the "good" chol...
What Is Colestipol? What Are the Best Tips for Choosing Heart-Healthy Diets? What Is a Low-Cholesterol Diet? How can You Go About Lowering Cholesterol with Your Diet? What is Lofibra®? What are the Different Types of Hypertriglyceridemia Treatment?
Adopting a plant-based diet and losing excess weight can help lower cholesterol levels. Image Credit:Daisy-Daisy/iStock/GettyImages If a recent blood test shows you have high or borderline-high cholesterol, it's not all bad news. "Your cholesterol, especially your LDL, is incredibly responsive...