Rocket League Rumble is a game mode with randomized power-ups that appear on a timer. Rumble includes 11 unique power-ups that add an interesting twist to the classicRocket Leagueformula. Like the Hoops and Snow Day game modes, Rumble can be found in Online (Competiti...
Competitive Ranks inRocket League Sideswipestart at Bronze and continue to Silver and beyond. Each Rank is divided into Divisions. There are 5 Divisions in each Rank. As you win matches, you will be promoted to higher Divisions and Ranks. Losing...
The first game mode that has been added to Rocket Labs is the Galleon map. It is somewhat similar to the Throwback Stadium.The map bears homage to the predecessor of Rocket League, Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars (SARPBC). In SARPBC, it resembled a pirate ship but it has ...
Not only do we really like Cyberpunk's first and only expansion, we're very pleased with the 2.0 update, which is free for all owners, and improves the whole game with changes to skill progression, AI, and other fundamental aspects of the RPG. Now is definitely the time to play Cyber...
【Arsenal】火箭联盟 This is My Best Shot after 13,000+ hours of Playing Rocket League. 86 -- 20:08 App 【Squishy】火箭联盟 This is what DIAMOND looks like in 2024! Road to SSL (EP. 5) 25 -- 30:44 App 【Retals】火箭联盟 NA's Next Prodigy Joins Pro 6mans 45 -- 20:26 App...
Carl Hardy is an editor at SkinCashier, a website that covers the economics of skins in video games. He's been playing games for as long as he can remember, and his favorites include Counter-Strike Global Offensive and Rocket League. Carl loves discussing the game industry and all of its...
When it comes to Rocket League crates, the first thing players concern is what they can get from the Zephyr new crates. And with the Rocket League Zephyr Update progressing, now we will make a brief introduction about the new rl zephyr crates. If you want to know more or you think...
These include the Dueling Dragons, the ‘deal with it’ meme pixel glasses, and Fennec car body. In the last year the most popular Rocket Pass item or car is the beautiful Ronin GXT and the most popular limited time mode was Heatseeker. In terms of Rocket Pass Premium, players unlocked...
After five years, Rocket League is going free to play. Here's what that means for you if you already own the cars-meets-soccer game.
You will have access to most of your item inventory, but some newer items (e.g.: some items from the Victory Crate) may not appear. This is normal, and those items are still in your inventory in the ‘live’ version of Rocket League ...