The other draft is a draft drawn on local funds. If I buy a Cashier's Check in Oregon and go to Florida and expect to receive immediate availability, I will not because it can take two to three days for an Oregon check to clear from Florida. If I draw a draft in an Oregon Bank ...
My father, who wrote for professional journals, used to say, “I don’t like writing as much as rewriting.” I agree with that. Once a draft has taken shape, it’s very satisfying to go over and over it, each time improving sentence structure or replacing a word with one that is mo...
For lawyers who like writing and enjoy the details, contract law is a good choice. When disputes happen, lawyers who enjoy litigation and conflict resolution can help deserving clients navigate these disagreements. Contract lawyers help people and companies conduct business. It’s important work. The...
How to Write a Research Paper That Will Be Really Convincing The Importance of Proper Formatting Students face tons of assignments at schools and higher education institutions. Among all the different academic written assignment types, research paper writing is often considered one of the most challeng...
A letter of interest, also known as a cold-call letter or prospecting cover letter, is a cover letter that was not solicited. You’re writing out of the blue and not in response to a job posting. Unlike application cover letters, which follow more standardized guidelines, letters of interes...
12、___dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road! 13、___pity you missed the lecture again! 14、___the old man can speak English well makes the teacher happy. 15、A car accident can happen ___ you least expect it. 16、A ...
The best way to avoid making logical fallacies in your own writing is to familiarize yourself with them and learn how to recognize them. That way, they’ll stick out to you when you’re reading your first draft, and you’ll see exactly where your writing needs thoughtful revision. What ...
The case for engaging an attorney is strong if your estate is substantial (ranging in the millions of dollars) or your situation is legally complex. If so, be sure to work with someone who is familiar with your state's laws and has extensive experience with writing wills. Your state bar ...
AStudents should pay less to attend universities. BBusiness education is not doing their job well. CProfessors should not focus on writing papers. DStudents are ill-prepared for their career from universities. ERecognized accrediting agency can evaluate research well. Questions 32-36 Do the followi...
WritingHelp写作提示Writing a“For”and“Against”Essay写一篇“支持”和“反对”的文章It's important to:……是重要的 have a clear argument statement;有一个清晰的论点陈述include"for"and"against"opinions;包括“支持”和“反对”的观点; support your own opinion with examples and other details;用例子和...