The spirit is the part that connects to God and covers matters like faith, trust, worship and so on. 灵是与神相连的部分,涵盖了信心、信靠、敬拜等事务。 The spirit is seen as the innermost part of our being. 灵被视为我们最深处的部分。 It is enveloped by our soul, which in turn is ...
Being Spirit-filled is centered upon a continual process of spiritual growth and maturity that can only be found and cultivated by the Spirit of God. This is a daily submission as we walk with the Lord, being filled for His glory.
$1 Signup SaleBecome a Broadcaster Broadcaster Dashboard Always do this from now on 00:00 18:18 What is Worship? SeriesReformation Day Event Bookmark Promote Download Share Speaker Chris Meeker Follow Broadcaster Grace Church Buckhannon Follow ...
You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the...
Is your worship truly reflecting God's plan for worship? Discover how the journey from Eden to Christ reshapes our understanding of worship. 讲道编号 714241957265102 期间 36:16 日期 Jul 14, 2024 类别 Sunday Service 圣经文本 論利未輩之書 10:1-7 #worship #nadab #abihu #holyspirit #...
Respect towards ancestors is an essential part of Thai spiritual practice. Temporal (Grammar) Expressing time A temporal adverb. Spiritual Of or pertaining to God or a place of worship; sacred, pure; inspired by the Holy Spirit. Temporal Of, relating to, or near the temples of the skull. ...
Through the spirit, we experience His presence, express true worship, and live according to His will. These distinctions remind us that our faith is not just about outward actions or human emotions but about living a Spirit-led life that glorifies God in all we do. The Apostle Paul’s ...
The temptation to begin worshiping (knowingly or unknowingly) spiritual teachers means that we eventually forget the purpose of listening to them, i.e.,to integrate the essence of their teachings. By treating the words of a guru or master as the irrefutable truth and failing to think for ours...
我最崇拜的人是迈克尔乔丹 Teachers the early morning are good, my name is called the king to be abundant, is one comes from Linxiang's high-school pupil, I most like the movement plays the basketball, I also like reading and writing, I most worship the human is the Michael Jordan[...
John 4:22-38 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and ...