You can now use Intune to manage the configuration of the Microsoft Defender CSP for DeviceControlEnabled for Device Control. DeviceControlEnabled is used to enable or disable support for the Microsoft Defender Device Control feature on Windows devices....
We're introducing the Resource performance report for Windows physical devices in Intune Advanced Analytics. The report is included as an Intune-add on under Microsoft Intune Suite.The resource performance scores and insights for physical devices are aimed to help IT admins make CPU/RAM asset...
Microsoft has consolidated and into a unified support site to make it easier for you to find support and troubleshooting resources for Microsoft 365. As part of this effort, you will see a number of changes and improvements to Windows release notes...
You can choose to display the notebook, section, and page navigation panes only when you need them, while always keeping immediate access to the Search and Recent Notes buttons. LEARN MORE Improved Print to OneNote In Windows 10 Settings, select ”OneNote” as your default printer ...
Intelligent recap is now supported after transcribed meetings that weren't recorded. If your meeting was only transcribed, you'll have access to name mentions and AI-generated meeting notes and tasks. Intelligent recap features are available as part of the Copilot for M365 license. To lea...
Take notes on pictures or add a drawing using a pen or your finger. Make your calendar whatever color you like. Choose from hundreds of custom calendar colors by selecting from the context menu in Calendar. Quickly find anything in the calendar app by using search acros...
Improve SQL Server™ performance, tune up your Windows servers, simplify your life with scripts, and learn how to best protect your environment against the latest security threats.TechNet Magazineis a monthly print publication, also available online, that features in-depth articles from experts to...
This article lists Microsoft Defender for Identity release notes for versions and features released over 6 months ago.
Enable your add-in to directly log appointment notes and other meeting details to an external system, such as a CRMor note-takingapplication. With this feature,your add-in will activate in the Appointment Read surface and will implement a Log button. To learn how to implement this fe...
What Is the New Windows Sticky Notes App? Windows Sticky Notes Best New Features Which One Should You Use? There are plenty of note-taking apps on Windows, but the native Sticky Notes app has always been my go-to for jotting down thoughts on the fly. But while this productivity superst...