What is Wiki Chapter 37 An online tool used for group projects where members can upload, edit, and delete content. Published in Chapter: Social Media in Higher Education: Using Wiki for Online Gifted Education Courses Kristy Kowalske Wagner (University of Georgia, USA) and Sharon Dole ...
The Wikimedia Commons (WC) is a peer-produced repository of freely licensed images, videos, sounds and interactive media, containing more than 45 million files.doi:10.1145/3233391.3233533Erickson, KrisRodriguez Perez, FelixRodriguez Perez, Jesus...
v=4BdjxYUdJS8 ^https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%86%AF%C2%B7%E8%AF%BA%E4%BC%8A%E6%9B%BC%E7%BB%93%E6%9E%84 ^https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19537795 ^https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%86%B5_(%E4%BF%A1%E6%81%AF%E8%AE%BA)...
Wikimedia Commons Switch APNs Typically, APN is auto-configured or auto-detected for your phone or tablet, which means you don't need to make any changes to the APN settings. Wireless carriers use different pricing for different APNs. Switching from one carrier to another can change you from ...
What is a container image? Image by: Wikimedia Commons Containers are a critical part of today's IT operations. Acontainer imagecontains a packaged application, along with its dependencies, and information on what processes it runs when launched....
Albert Einstein,courtesy of Wikimedia Commons,colorized by Michael W. Gorth. 1916 The Optical Society of America (OSA) is founded, today known as The Optical Society. 1927 Oleg Losev invents the first light-emitting diode. 1930 Indian physicist Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman is awarded the Nobel ...
USB 3.1 Gen 2 is a new specification, while USB 3.1 Gen 1 is a mere renaming of the original USB 3.0 specification. USB 3.1 Gen 2 Wikimedia Commons The USB 3.1 Gen 2 specification defined a new protocol in the form of “SuperSpeedPlus,” often shortened to “SuperSpeed+,” or “SS...
President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the 1964 Civil Rights Act as Martin Luther King, Jr., and others, look on.White House Press Office/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain In the realm of sacrificing assumed privileges and deeply-seated cultural beliefs for the common good, few examples stand out lik...
Once worth about $300 US, this huge amount of Zimbabwean currency is now a mere collector's item.Marianian via Wikimedia Commons Death of the Ailing Zimbabwe Dollar After years of hyperinflation, in 2009 the government of Zimbabwe announced thedemonetizationof the ZWD. This became final in 201...
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768 - 1830).Wikimedia Commons Conceptual Example For example, suppose a manufacturing company wanted to know what stage of its price cycle its main raw material was in. Because inflation would constantly be increasing the dollar price of the commodity over time, an...