the whole world quiet the whole years work the wholeness of life the wicked lord the wife calmly respo the wifes family the wifes side the wild buena vista the wild life the wildlife trusts the william jones cup the winchendon school the winchester house the wind from the val the wind kept...
Quoting from an obscure 1978 book by Richard Lovelace, the idea of “double repentance” is essentially this: homosexuals in the church must repent of homosexual behavior and the rest of the church must repent of homophobia. It is a path that Greg Johnson claims evangelicals were on before th...
"Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus." "But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption." -- 1 Cor.1:2, 30. Sanctified Through the Truth "Sanctify them...
Beginning in silent prayer and meditation, this adventure should inspire Christians with passion to work for justice, to restore wholeness to mother earth and to work for the unification of a divided humanity. Copyright © 2002 Whurr Publishers Ltd.John M Grange...
God’s Presence Is Healing When Jesus ministered healing and wholeness to the broken and hurting, some of the townspeople begged Him to stay, while others begged Him to leave. Why such different responses? I’ve noticed in Scripture that whenever God revealed His majesty a...
because at a very young age those who were supposed to love you, showed you a perverted love. That was not My Love for you. My Love is never ending, My Love is perfect and the past no longer has a hold on you. So allow Me to love you into wholeness because I have great things...
it remains true – our acceptance in Christ doesn’t depend upon our resolve to be better people. The Father purchased our souls with the priceless, life-giving blood of His Son. Once we’ve received this gift, there is no failure, no disappointment, no would-have, could-have, or should...
the easier it is to find and stabilize that deeper, higher, larger connection. One could call this larger connection a spiritual connection with God, Wholeness, Ultimate Reality, Christ Consciousness, All That Is or the ultimate Truth from your spiritual tradition. It is these uncomfortable persona...
I thought becoming myself was improving each part piece by piece. But it was finding a hidden wholeness, seeing the fractures, as the design. —Brianna Wiest 29 If you are fully focused on yourself and hardly think of others, you have been overtaken by the bug of the last days. —Enoch...
‘wholeness for humans depends on the ability to own their own shadow’because he recognised thatonlyfinding understanding of our dark, unloving side could end our underlying insecurity about our fundamental goodness and worth as humans and, in so doing, make us‘whole’. The pre-eminent ...