Audible is one of the most popular platforms for listening to books, but how exactly does it work?
Where an audiobook isn’t available for free on Kindle Unlimited, you’ll sometimes see Whispersync deals in the menu below theRead for free button— for example,Add Audible book to your purchase for $x.xx. Just check the box next to this before you clickRead for freeand the audiobook wi...
Yep, this is an actual screenshot of my Kindle Fire's empty Newsstand. If you haven't purchased any (or much) digital content on Amazon (with the account your tablet is registered to) then this is probably how several of your libraries will look as well. I'm not a magazine or newspa...
One advantage to all the available apps is that you can partake of Amazon's Whispersync technology, which synchronizes the last page you read on one device across all your Kindle readers, including your physical Kindle if you have one or more, so that you can read on multiple devices withou...