wheezing is the result.It can be caused by a number of respiratory problems.Wheezing is a hallmark symptom of asthma, though it can be indicative of other illnesses.
Wheezing (this can be a sign of pneumonia or bronchiolitis) Poor appetite What are the complications of RSV in babies Complications of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) include: Hospitalization: A severe RSV infection may require a hospital stay so that doctors can monitor and treat breathing probl...
While all obese individuals have excess fat, not all body fat is indicative of obesity. For example, athletes may have a higher percentage of body fat but are not necessarily obese. Fat is a normal and essential part of bodily composition; it only becomes a health concern when in excess. ...
What is the only methyl xanthine used in the treatment of asthma? a) Omalizumab b) Diphenhydramine c) Ipratropium d) Theophylline Methylxanthine Methylxanthines are classes of drugs derived from xanthine, a purine base, and are naturally f...
Asthma is a condition that affects one's breathing. When an asthma attack occurs the airways swell and narrow and mucus may be produced. This makes it very difficult to breathe. An asthma attack may cause coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath....
treatment is generally not necessary, in cases when the child is extremely ill, antiviral medications may be administered. A child with bronchiolitis may experience fever,wheezing, or shortness of breath. A diagnosis is generally confirmed by testing the child's nasal fluid and conducting a chest...
Wheezing is a musical, whistling, or hissing sound with breathing. Some people may wheeze, especially during exertion, and when their condition worsens. Often people feel like they have frequent "colds" or "pneumonia." Many hospitalizations for pneumonia often turn out to be exacerbations of COPD...
If wheezing develops use a bronchodilator inhaler. You may also take an antihistamine, but don’t rely on them- they are too weak to counter the massive histamine release. And, they work too slowly. At the hospital, the staff will probably administer epinephrine IV (if the severity of the...
Is emphysema a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Does pleural effusion cause wheezing? What type of COPD disease process is reversible? A 42-year-old asthmatic patient complains of chest pain, shortness of breath, and a violent cough that produces brownish sputum. What is the most lik...
RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is a specific type of virus that can cause different forms of respiratory illness, including croup. RSV may also cause lower respiratory symptoms such as bronchiolitis, wheezing or viral pneumonia. Can adults get croup?