Location: Waxhaw, NC May 3, 2013 2:55 pm Please identify this bug. Signature: Mrs. Cape Rainbow Scarab Dear Mrs. Cape, This is a Rainbow Scarab, Phanaeus vindex. Judging by the spare nature of your request, we suspect you might not be the curious type. We have answered your quest...
On a passing scow a man dips his dog in the river while making at least five knots; a moveable bath, and an elderly couple in a tiny dugout is paddling furiously against the current, hauling an immense chest of drawers that could overturn them at any moment. The river people The collisi...
To reach the midway point from Waxhaw to Kings Mountain, you would fly roughly 278 miles from Kings Mountain to the halfway stop. The exact coordinates of the midpoint are: 34° 40' 38" N 86° 11' 36" W NOTE:These suggestions are not that close to the halfway point, but are base...