Closely after death in my personal rankings is chaos. If you’re at all familiar with the Warhammer settings, either Age of Sigmar or 40k, you can guess what’s in here. You’ll have daemon warbands of all four classic flavors, the mortals who throw in their lot with the daemonic forc...
The Club Batman: Arkham Asylum Battlestations: Pacific Fuel Red Faction: Guerrilla Stormrise Street Fighter IV Warhammer 40k Their is only 2 cross-platform game so far which is Shadowrun and Universe at war kurosagi01, Feb 16, 2025 #4 (...
Dipping my toes into the 40K Warhammer book series... Reading book one of the Eisenhorn Series. Interesting to say the least. 0 0128672 Cancelled Apr 16, 2020 5,962 4,783 Aug 16, 2021 #8,315 This isn't a book, but it's an extraordinary story that has haunted me and worked its...
分享16赞 战锤40000吧 sshnuke 业界观察:gw的帝国着了火Most of you (on Io9 anyway) know of Games Workshop, the creators of Warhammer, and Warhammer 40k as 'those assholes who tried to sue a write 分享771 炫页网吧 炫页网 微课制作小能手是怎样炼成的? 相信很多自己技术渣渣的人都想知道! 让...
The Club Batman: Arkham Asylum Battlestations: Pacific Fuel Red Faction: Guerrilla Stormrise Street Fighter IV Warhammer 40k Their is only 2 cross-platform game so far which is Shadowrun and Universe at war kurosagi01, Feb 16, 2025 #4 (...