What Are Complex Numbers?Math Dude Jason Marshall
A complex number is any number that can be written in the form a + bi where a and b are real numbers. a is called the real part, b is called the imaginary part, and i is called the imaginary unit.Where did the i come from in a complex number ? A little bit of history!
Complex numbers, despite the names, isn't really complicated. These are numbers which has an imaginary part and a real part. Complex numbers are expressed in the form {eq}x + iy {/eq}, where {eq}i {/eq} is equal to {eq}\sqrt {-1} {/eq}...
The principal value of a complex number {eq}z {/eq} is the value for {eq}\theta {/eq} that occurs within a predefined range of values, usually, but not always, {eq}(-\pi,\pi] {/eq}. The idea of the principal value is extended to areas in complex analysis where similar ...
What Is an Economy? An economy is a complex system of interrelated production, consumption, and exchange activities, which ultimately determine how resources are allocated among participants. The production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services combine to fulfill the needs of those living...
26 August, 2015 in expository, math.NT | Tags: prime numbers, Roger Heath-Brown, Siegel zero, twin primes | by Terence Tao | 76 comments The twin prime conjecture is one of the oldest unsolved problems in analytic number theory. There are several reasons why this conjecture remains out ...
Before moving to arithmetic operations on complex numbers, observe one more important relation between the cartesian and polar form of a complex number. You have seen how to write the polar form from the cartesian form. How do we do the reverse? This is quite straight forward: ...
what is a whole number? a whole number is a type of number that represents a complete quantity or counting number without any fractional or decimal parts. it includes all positive numbers starting from zero and extends indefinitely to infinity. in other words, a whole number is any non-...
We are given a complex number of the form a+ib and we need to compute the absolute value. Absolute value is always positive and it cannot be less than 0. To compute the absolute value of a complex number, we'll use the rule |a+bi|=(a+bi)(a−bi)=a2+b2....
Complex Conjugates: In mathematics, a complex number is a number of the forma+bi, whereaandbare real numbers andiis the imaginary number−1. We callathe real part of the number, and we callbithe imaginary part of the number. The complex conjugate of any complex number,a+bi, is the ...