Before there was FreeSync or G-Sync, there was VSync. What is VSync? VSync technology is designed to serve one single purpose to power users: eliminate screen tearing. It accomplishes this by imposing a framerate cap on your GPU, effectively limiting the m...
VSYNC, GSYNC off Low latency mode On CS2 Reflex ON 8 x AA 16 x AF Not touched much else Slender Posts:1223 Joined:25 Jan 2020, 22:55 Re: CS2 What Is The Best Setup PostbySlender»23 Feb 2024, 19:12 hazillawrote:↑ 22 Feb 2024, 21:24 ...
And btw, my windows is optimized and my game was on basically the lowest setting. Vsync and gsync off, true full screen, uncapped fps (~300fps). Also I wonder how much the ldat tool will cost when and if it's released to the public....
LG OLED CX - still debating between 48" and 55" Me 2. Been on my Samsung JS9000 for almost 5 years. I still love it but tired of 60 FPS and screen tearing with Vsync on. Want to go 55" cx but then, the Pixel density on the 48 I know is better. Still my JS9000 is...
you would still get screen tearing unless you were getting exactly 30 or 60 fps. For many years,VSync was the only solution to screen tearingin games, but all VSync does is basically limit your frame rate, and nobody likes doing that. It was never fun to choose between a higher frame...
G-Sync is NVIDIA’s proprietary adaptive sync technology that takes aim at optimizing the visual element of video gaming. Launched in 2013 as a fine-tuned improvement to VSync, G-Sync became a total game-changer for gamers and manufacturers across the globe. Similar to AMD’s FreeSync, G-...
G-Sync is NVIDIA’s proprietary adaptive sync technology that takes aim at optimizing the visual element of video gaming. Launched in 2013 as a fine-tuned improvement to VSync, G-Sync became a total game-changer for gamers and manufacturers across the globe. Similar to AMD’s FreeSync, G-...
VSYNC, GSYNC off Low latency mode On CS2 Reflex ON 8 x AA 16 x AF Not touched much else Slender Posts:1247 Joined:25 Jan 2020, 22:55 Re: CS2 What Is The Best Setup PostbySlender»23 Feb 2024, 19:12 hazillawrote:↑ 22 Feb 2024, 21:24 ...
Re: What the heck is this weird stutterPost by chriswww » 04 Oct 2017, 03:16 the vsync and non-vsync recordings do look different and therefore this artefacting looks like something else entirely, possibly maybe even related to directx input in this id tech 3 engine game. i'd like...
Set fps_max 0, leave Gsync off and ignore Reflex (+Boost) and hope that some people are right and get the best latency with this settings. Or should I Turn Gsync on, get Reflex running and maybe vsync? Or without vsync? Should I cap the frames? Should I limit them on a stable...