In reality most detectors are not water equivalent since they contain air or high density materials. These materials can blur profiles, particularly in small fields. If necessary, detector and field size-specific volume dependent effects need to be considered.Gainey M...
In solid state electronic deviceand integrated circuitapplications,a semiconductor is required which must be crystalline and must contain a carefully controlled concentration(or volume density)of specific impurities. Semiconductor containing at least two specific impurities is needed for the following two fun...
In some scenarios with a low traffic volume (such as geo-fence and asset management), there are a large number of STAs. In this case, STAs in compliance only with the 2.4 GHz frequency band terminal are more cost-effective. TWT Referencing from 802.11ah, the Target Wake Time (TWT) is ...
Big data is characterized by the five Vs—that is, it contains a largevolumeof information, exhibits a highvelocityor speed of data generation, has avarietyof data types, and stresses theveracityandvalueof the data. Example sources include emails and texts, videos, databases, IoT sensor data,...
In Physics, force is defined as: The push or pull on an object with mass causes it to change its velocity. Force is an external agent capable of changing a body’s state of rest or motion. It has a magnitude and a direction. The direction towards which the force is applied is known...
The tiling functionality splits the input volume into independent training samples.This new module allows training 3D models that better account for 3D object shapes, and better prediction results quality can be expected. Better segmentation of 3D non-spherical objects in Amira ...
Big data is characterized by the five Vs—that is, it contains a largevolumeof information, exhibits a highvelocityor speed of data generation, has avarietyof data types, and stresses theveracityandvalueof the data. Example sources include emails and texts, videos, databases, IoT sensor data,...
Search volume: A higher-volume keyword could help more people see your ad compared to a lower-volume one Search intent(the reason behind a user’s query): A keyword with either the commercial or transactional search intent may be an especially good one for advertising ...
What is an example of big data? Big data is characterized by the five Vs—that is, it contains a large volume of information, exhibits a high velocity or speed of data generation, has a variety of data types, and stresses the veracity and value of the data. Example sources include email...
Generally speaking, electrolytic capacitors offer high capacitance per unit volume, are polarized, low cost, high-loss, and exhibit lousy parameter stability. Non-electrolytic device types in contrast tend to be bulky for their ratings, are non-polar, relatively expensive, low-loss, and with a ...