Android 3.0-3.2 "Honeycomb" - February 2011: Honeycomb is Google's first attempt at a tablet-optimized operating system. The Xoom was the first to run the software. The OS features a revamped UI with standard system bar and "soft" navigation buttons on the screen for back/home/menu etc....
DVD-RAM is a competing DVD Re-Writable format with many advantages over its rivals. DVD-RAM stands for DVD-Random Access Memory, a name given to the format that is widely debated. The problem some people find with the "RAM" part of the name, is that DVD-RAM is not really "Random ...
The fluorescence intensity is increased by 70%, and the anisotropy further decreased when a second cavity is added, even if that cavity is not in contact with the fluorophore and has little effect on its own. Increases of 40% to 70% in fluorescence intensity are in the range of ...
What is the .VDI file type?The .vdi extension's primary association lies with the Oracle VirtualBox Virtual Disk Image (VDI) file type/format. VirtualBox is the name of a robust and versatile open-source virtualization solution by Oracle, Inc. Available for a range of platforms, VirtualBox...
In the second strategy, the aircraft speed is reduced to what is called a minimum drag speed called VMD. This is the speed at which the least amount of drag acts on the aircraft. When descending at this speed, the aircraft coasts down to the OEI ceiling at a slower rate. This strategy...
R. Wayne Randolph, VMD, DABVP Countryside Veterinary Hospital Flemington, N.J. Most sources state that the reference range of Schirmer tear test (STT) values is 15 to 20 mm/min in most species. But when considering the STT results, you must consider several factors. First, older dogs freq...
The PSD indicated non-normal left-skewed distributions for both AD and UD manures particles, suggestive of heavier concentrations of particles toward the lower particle size range. The volume median diameters (VMD) for solids from UD and AD were not significantly different (p= 0.65), but the ...
The FWHM is used to determine the mean spread (range) in orientation of the different out-of-plane crystalline domains of a perfect crystal with mis-orientation. Defects like mosaicity, misfit dislocations and mis-orientation will create disruptions in the perfect parallelism of atomic planes and ...
In a lecture at the Atlantic Coast Veterinary Conference, Diane Monsein Levitan, VMD, DACVIM, discussed feline hyperthyroidism. The most common endocrine problem of cats worldwide is hyperthyroidism. In the United States, the condition affects 10% of cats over 10 years of age. Veterinarians are...
SmartGlass is a multi-platform companion application for the Xbox 360. Developed by Microsoft, and shown off at E3 2012, the SmartGlass app is available for Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Windows Phone 7, Android and will soon be available for iOS devices (October 2012). The SmartGlass app...