The visual field test shows whether a person is experiencing problems with peripheral vision by detecting the presence of blind spots, which are called scotomas. The size and shape of the scotoma indicates what the cause might be. For instance, if there is damage to the optic nerve, a person...
A visual field test measures a person’s whole scope of vision. This includes both the central and peripheral, or side, vision. These tests map the individual fields of the eyes. Visual field testing requires the patient’s full cooperation, as he or she must understand the test that is ...
The results of a visual field test can tell your doctor more about your eye health but also point to other issues. Your retina — a nerve cell layer that lines the back inside of your eye — is connected to your optic nerve, which is connected to your brain. So if you have an abnor...
At today's visit that test was to be repeated, but a Humphrey visual field was mistakenly performed instead ( Figure 10.7 and 10.8 ). You are surprised to see that the visual field defect is much more apparent at today's visit, even though the patient feels he is doing better....
To understand what a visual field defect is, it may be helpful to think of a view as it is seen through binoculars. The two circular areas that are shown can be considered the visual field. A person’s visual field should include the ability to see a certain amount vertically and horizon...
In the preceding code, the product code is theCalculatorclass and itsAdd()method. The comparison happens when callingAssert.AreEqual(2, actual). This pattern is something you find in most, if not all, test methods. Here's how this test would appear in Visual Studio: ...
When the constructor runs, the backing field (_ID) will be set to the value -1 automatically. The initializer syntax also works for reference types: Copy Property OrderList As List(Of Order) = New List(Of Order) The previous line of code may not feel very “Visual Basic-ish,” give...
If the test expression isFalse, the code in the body of theifstatement is skipped, and the program continues running from theelsestatement. The syntax of anif/elsestatement is always: Python iftest_expression:# statement(s) to be runelse:# statement(s) to be run ...
A visual model of the behavior of something you intend to build or establish in a workflow is becoming a critical business tool. Today, you can analyze the behavior of an engineering, manufacturing, medical, resources, transport, or supply chain project over time using simulation software to hel...
Performing a clone operation is done from TCM.exe within the Visual Studio command prompt. You must specify the collection, source and destination suites, and a value for the new destination test plan. You can optionally use the overridefieldname and overridefieldvalue parameters to specify a new...