We compare the definition of virtue in philosophy with the definition and operationalization of virtue in psychology. We articulate characteristics that virtue is presented as possessing in the perennial western philosophical tradition. Virtues are typically understood as (a) dispositional (b) deep-seated...
Aquiz!••••••••notioncriteriondistinguishutilitypermanentpursueregulateliberal••••••••greedyviolentconvictionpossesssuperiorpreservecommitmentvirtue I.Wordsandexpressions I.Wordsandexpressions •1.notion •--apoliticalsystembasedonthenotionsofequalityandliberty•建立在自由...
Epicurus states that all virtues are consequent forms of discretion or prudence in determining the best interest of oneself. Moreover, virtue is the... Learn more about this topic: Greek Philosophy | Origin, Philosophers & Influences from
--Leading a lifeof virtue An importantpart of ancient Greek culture was the idea of the “good life” thateach person should aim to lead. The Greeks had a word for it: eudaimonia(literally meaning “good spirit”), which embodied the idea of ...
There are four main branches of philosophy, epistemology, ethics, logic and metaphysics. Epistemology is the theory of knowledge, its methods, validity and scope. Epistemology is the study of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion. Epistemology has its roots in the teaching and writing of...
The idea of virtue and its role in ethical behavior comes from Greek philosophy. Plato, who lived in the fourth century B.C., identified four virtues that have become influential concepts in Western civilization. Now known as the four cardinal virtues, t
What Is the Qur'an? Philosophy What Does "Pay It Forward" Mean? Philosophy What Is the Difference between Logic and Reason? Related Articles What Is the Connection between Plato and Rhetoric? What Is a Philosophy of Ethics? What Is Greek Philosophy?
Reality+- Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy 推荐初学者看 一、本书概要 《What Is This Thing Called Knowledge?》这本书主要讨论知识论领域的基本问题,包括知识的本质、价值、来源等。全书分为5个部分: (一)知识的本质 这部分探讨知识的定义、结构和理性等基本问题。主要内容包括:知识与真信念的区...
Classic systematic philosophers – such as Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hegel – boldly affirmed that philosophy grounds all other sciences. Also, among those who see philosophy as a method, you find many who regard it as the chief source of knowledge. Is philosophy really the queen of sciences...
The Virtuous Life In Greek Ethics: What use is Aristotle's doctrine of the mean? The purpose of this paper is to explore the nature of wu wei ("nondoing") as explained in Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, and, using a comparison with the nature of virtue in Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics,...