Creeping jenny is known by the alternate names moneywort, creeping charlie and twopenny grass. Its scientific name isLysimachia nummularia. The plant is native to Europe but grown in the US and in other places as ground cover. It’s also rather invasive and aggressive, and some people ...
Thank you, this answered my question about using weed barrier. I’m pulling up flagstone from original owners design and it is full of weeds and I’m just hoping the method of weed barrier, gravel, decomposed granite/quarry dust will do the job for my patio that will serve as our fire...
Goats are awesome, but I don’t know of any goat-rental services. If you’re going to tackle this problem yourself, the first thing you need to do is protect yourself. Once again, the poisonous urushiol in poison ivy is ineverypart of the plant. You will need to wear gloves, long p...