SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, using packed variable we can decide the length of number and number of decimals we want in o/p which is not possible with other types Packed numbers - type P Type P data allows digits after the decimal point. The number of decimal places is gener...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello friend, Field Symbol is just like a pointer in C. Directly its having reference to address of the variable. We can use the field symbols mostely where we mostly need to update or append option to the data base. See the example code. <fs>-fie...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development NODES Basic form NODES node. Additions: 1... TYPE type. This statement is not allowed in an ABAP Objects context. See NODES Statement Not Allowed. Effect Creates a variable node with reference to a data type from the ABAP Dictionary with the...
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Miscellaneous.Now there is F4 help for breakpoints on ABAP commands. You can also set watchpoints on objects. In the variable fast display a new tab page,Auto, displays the last return values of methods. Among other new features are these: ...
SAP's definition is as follows: “InfoProvider that allows analysis and reporting with BI Tools (including BW OLAP functionalities) on top of an application (SAP Business
The advantage of using <bsp:goto> navigation over redirect is that there is no additional network traffic. Furthermore, you remain in the same work process, which can have advantages for creating objects and memory space. The call using <bsp:call> element is more variable than adding them ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development This operator is used for dereferencing data object (meaning get value behind this "pointer" ). This is similar to *data_object in C. Generally you can dereference only reference variable which hold reference ("pointer") to some data object. Example data:...
( abap_true ). *&>>>---* * Next, add functions to the application toolbar. For this, use the * CL_SALV_FUNCTIONS class. Create the object reference variable and * receive the object using the GET_FUNCTIONS method of the GR_TABLE * object. Call the method...
The filter is defined as a variable of type predefined value set and is executed at runtime. If the precalculated value set is large, query runtime can be improved considerably. A precalculated value set is always assigned to a characteristic that is used in the query. 16 PUBLIC What's ...