HER2: Abbreviation forhuman epidermal growth factor receptor 2. HER2 is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor and is expressed by, and involved in the growth of, some cancer cells. What does q2h mean in medical terms? q.2.h., q2h.every 2 hours. ...
CAffirmative(logging abbreviation) CClerical(for ACG duties) CClock Mode(aviation) CCircumference CCountess CCoefficient CCessna(civilian aircraft) CCorrelations CChromosome(as in banding) CCurie CClockwise CConstant of Integration(calculus) CCarbone(French: Carbon) ...
Unique ZIP Codes are for large organizations with internal mail systems. Smarty's API helps verify these addresses to prevent delivery issues. Read more here!
@ramonathepest the story was told by SY (sorry I got the abbreviation wrong in my comment) and you can read it in Lollypip's recap for Episode 7 "As they walk around the development area nearest where Mi-so used to live, Sung-yeon tells Mi-so that the woman who kidnapped them was...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook IN (redirected fromimmunonutrition) Category filter: AcronymDefinition INIndia INIndiana(US postal abbreviation) INInch(es) INInternet INIndividual Network INIndividual Needs INIntelligence(office of, DOE) INImprovement Note ...
Also found in: Medical. AcronymDefinition UTX United Technologies Corporation (stock abbreviation, AMEX) UTX Unreal Texture File UTX Unreal Texture (a texture pack for Unreal-engine games) UTX Utility Trainer Experimental (US DoD) UTX Ubiquitously Transcribed Tetratricopeptide Repeat Gene on X Chromoso...
UTUtah(USpostalabbreviation) UTUniversityofTennessee UTUniversityofTexas UTUniversityofTampa(Florida) UTUtility UTUniversityofToledo(Ohio) UTUniversityofToronto UTUniversalTime(GreenwichMeanTime) UTUndertale(gaming) UTUnrealTournament(game) UTUrbanTerror(QuakeIIIArenamodification) ...
UT (redirected from undertaker)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Wikipedia. Category filter: AcronymDefinition UT Utah (US postal abbreviation) UT University of Tennessee UT University of Texas UT University of Tampa (Florida) UT Utility UT University of Toledo (Ohio) UT University of ...
MTMontana(US postal abbreviation) MTMountain Time MTManual Transmission(automotive) MTMetric Ton MTMedical Technologist MTMagnetic Tape MTMedical Transcriptionist MTMulti-Tasking MTMegaton MTMeasurement Ton MTMultiple Threads / Multi-Threaded(computing term) ...
UTUtah(US postal abbreviation) UTUniversity of Tennessee UTUniversity of Texas UTUniversity of Tampa(Florida) UTUtility UTUniversity of Toledo(Ohio) UTUniversity of Toronto UTUniversal Time(Greenwich Mean Time) UTUndertale(gaming) UTUnreal Tournament(game) ...