number of non-zeros in U: 1 number of non-zeros in L+U: 5035922221 Reordering completed ... Number of nonzeros in factors = 740954925 Number of factorization MFLOPS = 515273800=== PARDISO is running in In-Core mode, because iparam(60)=0 === Percentage of computed non-zeros for LL^...
A number of discussions on Giap have given rise to autonomous collectives and working groups. The best known – but not the only ones – areNicoletta BourbakiandAlpinismo Molotov. Alongside these is a peculiar experience of cooperation between Wu Ming and others active in Bologna:Resistenze in Cir...
Durantis' Faction and Officer Price CheckNot sure what your Items are really worth?Mail me in Game or list your item here and i will give you a honest and correct appraisal for your items.Have Questions about whether or not to sell your items right away due to demand or price ...
in usual terms its 'meaning' ." So the philosophers essentially say a term has a meaning based on some ability to decide when it's true and when it's not. That's what meaning is for them and when they do it, the truth conditions are an abstract mapping from possible worlds onto tru...
In the future, it is expected that a number of countries will experience a rise in MDROs. These infections will be associated with a high consumption of healthcare resources manifested by a prolonged hospital stay and high mortality. As a counteractive strategy, minimization of broad-spectrum ...
A specious attempt to suggest that sexual orientation (‘whom one wishes to go to bed with’) and gender (‘whom one wishes to go to bed as’) are divorced. They are not. This is a meaningless by-product of hidebound USican attitudes towards sex. It came about because gay activists ...
This is super subjective because each of us is unique, so what makes me feel, might not be what makes you feel. Still, I’d say that the mark of a great OST is that it makes youfeel. Whether it’s the poignance of the story, the romance of the OTP, the lightheartedness of our...
I hated the imps most on HMM3, but they have definately improved over the years. Now they're fast (not furious) but their mana leech is super-useful. Especially when facing Angels and others who have just enough spell points to make use of their abilities. ...
in Hugh Hood's essay "The Governor's Bridge is Closed," and in Hood's novel The Swing in the Garden. It never used to have a name that I knew of, but lately it has acquired one, on.a neatly lettered sign. I won't tell you what it is, hoping to postpone for my lifetime the...
This variation is independent of potential confounding variables like age, blood pressure, heart rate, body size, and cardiovascular risk factors as shown in the Dallas Heart Study [5]. These observations underscore the need for sex-specific criteria in clinical decisions, advocating for an LVEF ...