The useContext hook in React is a powerful tool for simplifying context consumption in functional components. It provides a straightforward way to access context values without the need for a consumer component, streamlining code and improving readability. With useContext, you can manage global state,...
Acquire proficiency in React through our React JS Course, gaining insights from experienced instructors.Advanced Use Cases of useReducer()The `useReducer()` hook in React is a versatile tool for managing states in complex applications. While it’s commonly used for simpler state management, its ...
Typically, useRef is used to refer to a component's Dom node. A ref in Vue refers to a vue component. Unlike Vue, the ref in react not only refers to the Dom node, but also generates a memory-invariant object reference. Example of null pointer caused by useState const [foo, setFoo]...
The Context API is a built-in feature in React that allows you to manage and share global state across components without having to pass props down through multiple levels. This is useful when dealing with state that is needed by many components in the application. Example: importReact,{useCo...
Example Use Case: Theme Context in Next.js Let’s implement a real-world example whereuseContextis used to toggle between light and dark themes in a Next.js application. 1. Create aThemeContext.jsFile 1 2 3 4 5 6 import { createContext } from 'react'; ...
log('Render: ', child) return ( {child}: {value} ) } export default React.memo(Child) Note: If the component has a useState, useReducer, or useContext Hook, the state or context will still trigger a rerender. To regulate the memo’s typical behavior, which shallowly compares complex...
A context object is created via the createContext(initialValue) function. It returns a Provider component that is used to set the context value and a Consumer one that retrieves the value from the context. import {useContext} from 'preact/compat'; const Theme = createContext('light'); funct...
//NestedChild.js fileimportReact,{useContext}from'react';import{MyContext}from'../App';// Import the contextfunctionNestedChild(){// Consume the context valueconst{value,setValue}=useContext(MyContext);return(NestedChild Component{/* Display the context value in nested child*/}Context Value:{v...
const Child= ({value, child}) => { console.log('Render: ', child) return ( {child}: {value} ) } export default React.memo(Child) Note:If the component has auseState,useReducer, oruseContextHook, the state or context will still trigger a rerender. To regulate thememo...