Sphinctersare circular muscles that open and close to regulate the passage of substances through the body. These include substances like food (esophageal sphincters), urine (urethral sphincters), and feces (anal sphincters). The anal sphincter consists of an involuntary internal sphincter muscle tha...
By volume, half of blood is the liquid part, called plasma. The rest comprises specialised components, the main one being red blood cells (technically known as erythrocytes). These transport oxygen molecules throughout the body, and also give blood its colour (from the hemoglobin protein within...
What is the first stage of urine production?Urine and the Urinary System:Urine is a substance produced by the kidneys of the urinary system. This fluid is excreted from the body to dispose of waste products from the blood and regulate our fluid levels. After being produced in the kidneys, ...
Our urinary system produces urine to get rid of nitrogenous, metabolic wastes and to maintain homeostasis of water. When we have excess water in our body we urinate a lot, and when we are short on water we urinate less. This helps maintain ho...
By volume, half of blood is the liquid part, called plasma. The rest comprises specialised components, the main one being red blood cells (technically known as erythrocytes). These transport oxygen molecules throughout the body, and also give blood its colour (from the hemoglobin protein within...
If everything is normal and healthy, your pee should be pale yellow to golden. That hue comes from urochrome, which is a waste product from hemoglobin. Clear urine If your pee has no color at all, that may be because you’ve been drinking too much water. Drinking too much water can ...
Blood in urine (hematuria) is a common problem that happens to children and adults of all genders. And the good news is that the most common causes of blood in urine – like a urinary tract infection – are easily treatable. Still, it’s generally notnormalto see blood in your urine (...
By volume, half of blood is the liquid part, called plasma. The rest comprises specialised components, the main one being red blood cells (technically known as erythrocytes). These transport oxygen molecules throughout the body, and also give blood its colour (from the hemoglobin protein within...
The impact on human health is poorly understood and it is impossible to say what level of dietary exposure to acrylamide can be deemed safe as the assessment of exposure is uncertain. The determination of hemoglobin (Hb) adducts from acrylamide is increasingly being used to improve the exposure ...
It was believed hemolysis is completed in the spleen itself, but evidence has emerged that macrophages move to the liver where red cells and the debris are broken down, and the liver recycles the iron from the hemoglobin. Can medications cause hemolysis? Medications can cause hemolysis. Some of...