CHAPTER 1 What Is That Thing Called 'Transdisciplinarity for Transformation'? Barbara J. Regeer, Pim Klaassen, and Jacqueline E. W. Broerse Unprecedented challenges in the spheres of health, global justice, envi- ronmental degradation and climate change characterize our current era. This situation ...
405 WogiharaUnrai 1936 BodhisattvabhumiA: Statementof [the] WholeCourseof the Bodhisattva (Being [the] Fifteenth Section of [the] Yogdcdrabhtmi).Rpt.: Tokyo: SankiboBuddhistBookstore 1971. Wood,AlbertE. 1957 "What,if Anything,Is a Rabbit?"Evolution11/4:417-425. ...
The Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) is an indicator calculated based on six variables: air velocity, air temperature, mean radiant temperature, relative humidity, clothing and metabolism rate). Since air velocity is not monitored, an estimated value of 0.1 m/s is Buildings 2023, 13, 1 6 of 21 ...
Thus, two of the most important characteristics of an underground storage are its ability to hold natural gas for future use and the rate at which that gas can be withdrawn. The amount of gas that can be injected and withdrawn during a normal cycle of the storage is called working gas (...
This is especially true for highly customized or very personal services such as mHealth [44]. Distrust is not only the absence of trust; it refers to people's negative expectations that the other party such as a website will behave in a way that harms the interests of users and causes ...