In September 1836, Ralph Waldo Emerson organized the first meeting of what would later be called the Transcendental Club.Together the group discussed frustrations of Unitarianism and their main beliefs, drawing on ideas from Romanticism, German philosophers, and the Hindu spiritual texts the Upanishads...
"Freethinker" is a term used to describe someone who forms his opinions through the use of reason, without reference or deference to tradition, authority, or established belief. The word is commonly used to refer to religious beliefs. but can refer to other types of beliefs as well. Atheism...
We can’t really attribute today’s beliefs to those of the people at the time. That is apples and oranges. As for Jesus dying for our sins, consider it this way: The Mosaic Laws (the Ten Commandments) were the basis for the First Covenant with God. If you lived by those rules ...
I knew I wanted to attend a Unitarian Universalist church, as I’d always seen them at Pride events and had attended such a church in Tulsa, where the first sermon I’d heard was given by a pregnant queer ministerabout the diversity of beliefs among atheists. I knew these were my peop...
Reagan consistently quoted Theosophist Manly Hall and was a known stargazer, but Billy Graham, who was likely what is known as a “short-robed Jesuit”- leading wayward Protestants back to Rome via Ecumenism, helped Reagan create the first post of Ambassador to the Holy See, something for wh...
CCOG Animationschannel. TheContinuingChurch of God has some animations to teach aspects of Christian beliefs. CCOG.ASIAWe in theContinuingChurch of God also have the url which has a focus on Asia and has various articles in Mandarin Chinese as well as some in English, plus ...
Unitarianism.Which of the following is one of the unrealistic beliefs that tend to maintain shyness? a. "If someone does not like you right away, they really don't like you and never will.". b. "Other shy people ...
On top of my Puritan genetic lineage, I was brought up Unitarian (in Canada in a church founded before the Universalist merger) and while it isn’t mentioned here, Unitarianism in America started with a schism in the Puritans. Somehow I inherited from this cultural tradition the same argument...
Unitarianism. Define heteronomous morality How would you define a biblical world view? Provide a summary of the three types of theoretical ethics: emotivism, relativism, and universalist ethics. What is modernism? Define and write about the following theories of...
Unitarian Universalism UnitarianUniversalismcan trace their roots back to Christian Protestantism. Unitarianism developed in the Common Era as a belief that all people would be saved. The first Unitarian Churches were established in sixteenth-century Transylvania. These Churches continue to worship today....